Sôrui 藻類 Algae

More than 130 different Algae can be found in this Chapter. Some like Wakame or Kombu are more widely used in Japan and thus more Terms on these Algae are added.

Chiirui 地衣類, Tairui 苔類 Lichen & Moss

An admittedly very short Chapter, describing the three Lichen, eaten occasionally in Japan, a Moss variety that has only been recently used for Cooking and a traditional Famine Food, which is now a protected Species.

Kinoko 茸 Fungi

Around 110 different type of Fungi, including Molds used for Sake or Soy Sauce production are described in this Chapter. It also includes Terms for Mushroom Anatomy, descriptions of popular Mushroom Dishes and information on dried Shiitake Mushroom varieties.

Shidashokubutsu シダ植物 Ferns

Various Types of Fern but also Horsetail Shoots are used in Japanese Cooking. Some, like Urajiro are just used for Decoration, others need extensive preparations using Ash Lye Water to make them edible.

Hishishokubutsu 被子植物 Flowering Plants

This long Chapter introduces all Flowering Plants used in Japanese Cooking. From rare foraged ones to Vegetables and Fruit found in most Supermarkets. Included are Seasons and Regions, where these Plants can be found. Suggested Use, special Cultivars and sometimes a glimpse into the history can also be read about. This chapter also includes Soy… Continue reading Hishishokubutsu 被子植物 Flowering Plants

What is Japanese Cuisine

This Chapter explains the many aspects of Japanese Cooking. Nihonryôri 日本料理: General Term for Japanese Cooking. Washoku 和食: Traditional Japanese Cooking developed during the Edo period with high emphasis on Seasonality and enhancing the individual Ingredients, rather than overpowering them. Yôshoku 洋食: Western influenced, Japanese adapted cooking. This started during the Meiji era and was… Continue reading What is Japanese Cuisine

How to use this Book

Very short Chapter with a huge warning that NO RECIPES are given in this Book. Different Languages like ⒶAinu, ⒸChinese, ⒺEnglish, ⓇRyûkyûan or ⓈScientific Latin are introduced. Chinese Terms are only rarely given in the Book, and usually only for Chinese Ingredients or Ingredients that are mainly exported to China. These include Shark Fin, dried Abalone and dried Sea… Continue reading How to use this Book