Umami うま味

This Chapter could also have been called Dashi 出汁 Broth, as this is the most important Umami Ingredient in Japanese Cooking. Other Ingredients would be fermented Foods like Miso or Soy Sauce but are covered in the Saltiness Chapter.

Nigami 苦味 Bitterness

This Chapter deals with Bitterness, both bitter Ingredients and ways of removing Bitter tasting compounds, a technique known as Aku Nuki in Japanese and often applied with foraged wild Greens.

Amami 甘味 Sweetness

This Chapter concentrates on Sweeteners like Sugar, Mirin and Honey but also includes historic ones like Amazura, a Syrup which was known during the Heian period but the knowledge of which got lost already during the Edo period.

Enmi 塩味 Saltiness

This Chapter centers on all things Salty. From Salting, Salt Production to Salty Condiments like Miso or Soy Sauce. There is also a special segment for Fish Sauces, which were of higher importance historically, until they were replaced during the Edo period with Soy Sauce.

Arukōru Inryô アルコール飲料 Alcoholic Beverages

This Chapter is really nerding out on the Sake / Nihonshû section. This section includes Production Techniques, Sake Rice varieties, Sake Yeasts, and historic Sake Types. Of course other alcohols have their own sections, like the traditional Awamori or Shôchû spirits. Beers and Wine have their own sections too but lack Production Techniques, as these… Continue reading Arukōru Inryô アルコール飲料 Alcoholic Beverages

Ocha 御茶 Tea & Infusions

The Chapter on Tea includes a big Part on its History in Japan, Tea Brewing, Tea Cultivars and Tea Production Techniques. The Brewing Times and Temperatures offered should only be seen as a Guide Line.

Mizu 水 Water

Water is of high importance in Japan, deserving its own Chapter. In general, Japanese Water is low in Minerals, making it easier to leech out flavor from Teas or Dashi Broth Ingredients.