Shihôdôbutsu 刺胞動物 Cnidaria

Cnidaria eaten in Japan include Sea Anemones and Jellyfish, which are nowadays more often associated with Chinese Cooking, even in Japan but were eaten as a Delicacy in the 10th Century. Tips for rehydration of various Jellyfish are given.

Sôrui 藻類 Algae

More than 130 different Algae can be found in this Chapter. Some like Wakame or Kombu are more widely used in Japan and thus more Terms on these Algae are added.

Chiirui 地衣類, Tairui 苔類 Lichen & Moss

An admittedly very short Chapter, describing the three Lichen, eaten occasionally in Japan, a Moss variety that has only been recently used for Cooking and a traditional Famine Food, which is now a protected Species.