Kôkotsugyorui 硬骨魚類 Bony Fish

Probably the Chapter with most Information, including almost 900 different Fishes. It starts off with Parasites and other potential Dangers when dealing with Fish. There are general Informations on Fish Parts (more than 30 different ones that can be eaten), Fish Dishes and Preservation. Another interesting Topic, especially when buying Japanese Fish is aquaculture, including… Continue reading Kôkotsugyorui 硬骨魚類 Bony Fish

Shihôdôbutsu 刺胞動物 Cnidaria

Cnidaria eaten in Japan include Sea Anemones and Jellyfish, which are nowadays more often associated with Chinese Cooking, even in Japan but were eaten as a Delicacy in the 10th Century. Tips for rehydration of various Jellyfish are given.